#the sea beast fanfiction
miramilocamimira · 6 months
A Grandparent
{third in Maisie’s long life series}
The first time they saw each other again, Jacob didn't let Maisie leave his sight. Even though the lass was kind and they both wanted to give him another chance. Augustus understood though. He'd feel the same if the situation were reversed and Jacob were a boy again.
He and the rest of the crew had gotten a new ship. Since beasts took one look at The Inevitable and would attack. They'd started up a new business with The Phoenix where they helped to put a stop to beast poaching. Ah. Right. Beast hunting became illegal now.
He told the girl about how more and more were joining their ranks.
Months passed by with little visits, sometimes while they were docked, and others as the Red Bluster brought them out for trips. Sometimes the beast would stop by and swim beside them. Even helping out with battles they came across.
The first time Maisie calls him Grandpa makes him drop his tankard. Out of the corner of his only eye, he sees Jacob grinning. The wee rascals. His granddaughter squeals as he lifts her up.
“OI! Tom!” He shouts with joy. “Didja hear that! She called me grandpa!”
They spend the day having fun and he helps Jacob get her tucked into one of the spare beds. He and his son end up talking for a while longer. His boy complains about the beast taking Maisie out and not being back before bedtime. He snorts.
“This is what happens when you and a beast adopt a kid, my boy.” He says before taking a drink. “It wouldn't a been easy with a human lass either, but you took it a step further.”
The look on his son’s face will forever be a treasure.
“DAD!” Augustus chokes. Jacob hadn't called him that in years.
Eventually his boy settled down and falls asleep. Augustus puts a banket over him and quietly as he can walks out. The night watch greet him as he walks past.
Honestly? He wouldn't give up what he's got now for the world. Not ever.
A granddaughter, his son, his friends, and…
“I suppose this makes ya my in law, beast.” Huh, Jacob’s right. The Red bluster can convey its feelings with just a look.
He laughs.
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if I could make a request for Jacob holland with a fem reader of waking up and seeing a soft sleepy Jacob just soft fluffy stuff if that makes sense :)
Thank you have a good day <3
The warm rays slowly prickled beams through the glass of the window, creating a little rainbow on the white laced night shirt. The rays wakes up the sleeping figure, a deep sigh leaving their lips as they sit up to rest on their left hip. Stretching, Y/n looks down at the sleeping man laid by her hip.
Jacob’s right arm was holding half of her left hip and the other hidden under his pillow as he slept on his stomach. He did snore, that was true, Y/n was surprised that Maisie didn’t come in the middle of the night and hit him over the head with her pillow as she usually would.
It would be a funny exchange every time he would snore too loud at night. Maisie still half asleep, would pop him with her only pillow say some incoherent words about him being too loud then trudge back to her bed to get some sleep.
His hair was ruffled a bit as he snoozed away. Y/n carded a hand through his soft hair and Jacob slowly opened an eye to stare up at Y/n with a sleepy, confused gaze. He begins rubbing her left thigh, a tired sigh leaving his nose.
“Mornin’.” He greeted still half asleep. Y/n leans down to kiss his cheek, whispering a morning greeting as well.
“Long night?” Y/n asked and Jacob slowly moves over to lay on his side and looked up at the woman with a slight grimace. He had hurt his side a bit the day before and it certainly smarted to the next morning.
“Real long, lass. And my side still hurts a bit from yesterday.” He tells her and Y/n rubs his side in some comfort to him.
“I’m sorry, Jacob. I’ll help you put some salve on your sore, but first we need to get breakfast going.” He groans tiredly and pulls Y/n closer so, that his face was cuddled close into her stomach.
Kissing his head again, Y/n rubs his forehead, feeling the stress in his temples.
“You have to take it easy more often, love.” Jacob hums in agreement and buries his head deeper into her stomach.
“I love you.” Jacob says and Y/n smiles rubbing his bare back kissing his head again.
“I love you too.” She lifts up his head to face her and Y/n leans down kissing his lips, then pecking them a couple of times.
Jacob lies his head on her knees, his arms wrapped around her waist now and sighing quietly.
“Shall we sleep in?” Y/n suggests.
“Hell yes. We’ll have breakfast in the afternoon.” He says already falling back to sleep and Y/n chuckles.
I hope this was good!
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quecksilvereyes · 9 months
dialogue "i’ve seen greatness in you." for a lil lucy 👀
Little Lucy Pevensie comes back from the country a film that has been left in the sun for days. Perhaps forgotten. Her edges are smudged and her skin is overlit. Her eyes sit, deep dark channels, where once shone all the joy a little girl could fit behind her eyelids. As paper draped over a wooden frame and set alight, little Lucy Pevensie sits in her chair -
And waits.
Her nails are bloody. Her eyes are rimmed red. When she opens her mouth, out come words no one understands, torn open on the blades of her teeth. She frowns.
She tilts her head. When she smiles, there is an afterimage, as a film that was left exposed for too long. Here is little Lucy, chubby-cheeked and bare-faced, plucking dandelion seeds from their stem. Here is some shadow of a thing pulling human skin over razor blades, gone thin and translucent where it doesn't quite fit.
Staring at the wooden desk, fingering the knothole.
Little Lucy Pevensie does not speak when spoken to. She blinks. She frowns. She smiles. There is a scent, in the curl of her hair and in the ridges of her palms that is stronger the further the day goes on. In the mornings, it is a faint thing, as a sailor who speaks of the sea still, for years after he has left it. A whiff of salt when the wind is just right.
By the time the sun sits low on the horizon, little Lucy Pevensie smells of fish and seaweed. A cove that has been flooded for so long it retains the stink of rotten reeds and something dying still clinging onto rock even when the tide leaves it dry and salt-crusted. Algae covered floors and mussel covered walls cradling that last bit of water that can never leave. A salt crust so thick it breaks in sharp edges.
The sea boils under the afternoon sun until the tide washes back in.
Lucy Pevensie sits at her desk and waits. In the right light, her hands are forced shut and dripping white. Her collarbones scrape against her skin in an angle so wrong it hurts to look at. When she wets her cracked lips with her tongue, it is a live thing. A pier left flooded for centuries. A sunken ship.
A flash. An opened hole. One-and-two-and.
Lucy Pevensie is chubby-cheeked and bare-faced. She is youngest of four and worships her older siblings with all her little heart. She plucks dandelion seeds from their stems. Her tongue is pink as a blooming peony. The freckles on her nose are faded, and when she smiles, there are gaps in between her teeth.
"Can you understand me?", asks her teacher.
"Adam's flesh lays bare Adam's bone", says Lucy, and scrapes her fingernails over the tiny bit of bark that wasn't removed when this table was built. In a hurry, surely. "There is none other who can bare the weight."
"Lucy", says her teacher. "The apples. How many have you got if you give ten to Imogen?"
"I've seen greatness in you", says Lucy. "There will be ballads singing of the shape of your teeth when all this has turned to rubble. Are you not proud?" She tilts her head. She smiles.
On the photograph, her eyes are white with froth.
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callmeartistofthesea · 6 months
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You should, uh, check out my polycule fanfic~
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rolaplayor101 · 4 months
Chapter 2 of Away From This or That is up! For TheAspecYear!
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Chapters: 2/4
Fandom: The Sea Beast (2022)
Rating: General Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Maisie Brumble & Jacob Holland, Maisie Brumble & Sarah Sharpe, Jacob Holland & Sarah Sharpe 
Characters: Maisie Brumble, Sarah Sharpe, Jacob Holland 
Additional Tags: Found Family, Comedy, Action/Adventure, Adventure, Adopted Children, Adoption, Aromantic, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Aromantic Jacob Holland, asexual Jacob Holland, Nonbinary Character, Family, Family Feels, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Family Fluff, Family Dynamics, Funny, aromantic asexual Jacob Holland, Coming of Age, Parenting, No Romance, Secret Crush, First Crush, no romance but Maisie still has a small crush on someone, Pride, pride 2023, Event: The Aspec Year Challenge @aroace-kodama-sakuko
Jacob has a daughter now and needs to teach her some of the facts of life. Maisie now has a father and wants a mom. He is having trouble with the whole parenting thing, and with the comings of Maisie’s monthlies and her first crush, he doesnt know what to do about being neither a woman or one who dabbles in relations.
Had to use the art I drew last year cause I didn't have anything new 😭
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wastrelwoods · 1 year
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qui tollis peccata mundi [23k, E, creator chose not to use archive warnings]
Hannibal looks away. Keeps his posture perfectly straight and his breathing perfectly even. "Will Graham is dead," he repeats. The words come out flat, hollow and distant. They do not sound real. "That is a surprise."
Late Season 3 Canon-Divergent AU: Will gets home just in time to intercept the Great Red Dragon coming to kill his family. Behind bars, Hannibal grapples with unforeseen consequences, and considers the blood of the lamb.
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local-fanfic-addict · 2 years
The Sea is Always Right
Elendil x Fem!Reader
Beauty and the Beast AU
Notes: Romance, No Songs, Themes of Manipulation, Unwanted Romantic Advances, Loose Plot, Themes of Prejudice, and Heavy Canon Divergence (Canon? Who’s she?) Seriously, there's like… no RoP canon here. It’s almost all freeform. (It’s so I can add in references.)
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{Chapter One}
It was a crisp and clear morning in a tiny seaside village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Numenor, where the sea never slept, the small and cozy waves always lapping at the edges of the docks they had built as people came and went throughout the day doing their busywork and running their shops. 
It was a particularly crowded day at the market, where stalls and shops lined either side of the main road through the town. The sound of chattering and the ruckus of footsteps filled the air, along with the occasional horse passing through; not to mention the whispers of your own name that came not so quietly from the lips of some of the nosier townsfolk, though now that you noticed it, it seemed like all of the townsfolk were in on the rumors surrounding you.
Numenor had a great dislike for Elves ever since the rumor that an Elf had taken their King started to surface many years ago, and that spread like a tidal wave throughout the villages and smaller towns that lived within the Kingdom. Soon everyone believed that the Elves had something to do with their missing King, and though they couldn’t stop the Elves from living in Numenor, they shunned the race and did everything they could to make sure they were as unliked as possible.
It was a cruel thing for them to do without grounds, of course, but you really couldn’t care less, for you believed yourself to be completely in the right about your decisions to support the Elves. 
A smug smile spread across your lips as you entered the bookstore, one of your favorite places to be anytime you didn’t have chores to do. The smell of leather and paper immediately hit your nose, the tall shelves stacked with scrolls and expertly bound books on all sorts of topics. You inhaled deeply, feeling at home within the maze of shelves as the owner of the shop caught your eye and smiled softly at you.
“Mae govannen, Arondir! I hope the morning has been pleasant to you so far.” You greeted the Sindarian Elf with a respectful nod of the head, pulling out the small, red leather book you had stashed away in your satchel. 
“Apart from a few curious passersby, all has been quiet. It’s good to see you, (Y/N).” He greeted, his voice the same quiet tone it had always been. Pleasant, and befitting him. You held the book out to him and he took it with gentle hands, setting it on a pile of books waiting to be put on their proper shelves. 
“I came to return the book you lent me.”
The Elf smiled, he was always grateful for your patronage as almost no other human ever came into his shop in this town simply because of his ears. But you had always been able to see past that, and so his shop was now like your second home at times. Arondir had his reservations about you at first, but over the years, you two had grown to be friends, even exchanging gifts on special occasions. He had been particularly fond of the cloak you had given him one year, with a wooden clasp that spoke to his Elven heritage, it was a gift he would treasure forever. 
Likewise, he had gifted you a small bottle of healing tonic, one imbued with the Elven healing properties that other parts of the world whispered were unparalleled in their abilities. You were human, and thus susceptible to injury, so his gift seemed both caring and practical, exactly what you had come to expect from an Elf like Arondir, though maybe not in such an expensive and personal fashion. Not that you were complaining. The gesture had strengthened your bond as friends.
“Finished it already?” He spoke your name with a raise of his brow.
“Oh yes, it was just too lovely to put down! You know I enjoy stories of far off lands and adventure!” 
“But you were just here three days ago.” 
“I know, but can you blame me?” 
“I suppose not… Perhaps you have also come to borrow another then?” Arondir’s voice was laced with a teasing tone, knowing you all too well in the years you had both lived in the town.
“Perhaps…” You couldn’t hide the grin that spread across your face, immediately making your way to one of the shelves that reached the height of the building in the back, climbing the ladder to one of the taller sections of books. 
“I apologize, but I haven’t gotten anything new in a few weeks. It’s becoming more of a hassle to trade with the merchants here, the Sea Guard seems to be tightening their grip around the Elves…” You could hear the hint of disdain in his voice, completely warranted.
“Well… That’s the wonder of books Arondir, you can read them over and over again and never get tired of them.” You tried to not feed more into the topic of the Sea Guard, your eyes wandering over the shelves looking for that one particular book.
It took you all of half a second before your hand rested on the spine of one of the more worn books, lifting it from its perch and making your way down the ladder before you placed it in his hands.
“I’ll just borrow this one!”
“That was the book you took from me five days before this one.” Arondir chuckled, picking up the red leather book you had given him minutes ago. “Plus you’ve read it so many times before, do you never tire of it?”
“No, never. It is my favorite book here.” You had fond memories of this book, it being the first one you ever borrowed from Arondir. 
There was a few seconds of silence where Arondir seemed to have been thinking something over, before he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Well, if you like it so much, then you may keep it. As a gift.” He gave your shoulder a pat before returning to his desk to grab the pile of misplaced books, you hot on his heels behind him.
“Arondir, I couldn't possibly-“ 
“I insist. You’ve done far too much for me in the years I’ve known you, (Y/N). You’re a kindhearted woman, and I know many of my kin also appreciate when you visit them as well. I’ve heard them say as much.” He knows how the human townsfolk see you, and so his compliment was not one idly placed. You needed someone to remind you every now and then that you were appreciated.
“Sometimes I think you were sent for a reason with how much you have helped the Elves staying in Numenor since you first sailed here. What is that saying the Numenorians have? “The sea is always right?” He chuckles. “I believe they might be onto something in your case.”
With a smile, you bid Arondir goodbye and set off into the bustling market, nose in your borrowed, now owned, book. You had always liked this story, the one about the Human who fell in love with an Elf and how they devoted everything to each other. You had always found it so romantic, despite what everyone around you said. Who’s to say an Elf couldn’t love a Human? They’re both just people, living in the same world and breathing the same air. 
You mainly read it for the romance, finding something so endearing about someone giving up everything for you, even eternal life… You sighed dreamily. 
If only something like that could happen to you.
The back of your book suddenly hit something hard and shoved the pages into your face. You had walked into- 
“Hello (Y/N), what have you got there?” 
You could feel your face go a bit red with embarrassment from within the pages of the book as you withdrew from the proximity of the man you had run into, clearing your throat and regaining your composure as you looked up to meet him. 
“A book, Halbrand. You know that one I was telling you about a few days ago?” There was a bit more venom in your voice than you cared to admit, but he deserved it in your eyes, practically having your father, Celebrimbor, wrapped around his charming finger. Enthralled by the swordsmith's knowledge and dexterity around his inventions. Were you jealous? Maybe, but there was just something that struck you as strange about the man, having shown up out of the blue a few years ago and suddenly he was a staple of the town. 
Perhaps you could see why your father was working with Halbrand, from some odd perspective. He was knowledgeable, you would give him that, but you would never understand why he let Halbrands grubby minion follow along… You had heard the man's name a few times. Waldreg, an older human who seemed to be more wrapped around Halbrands finger than your father was, if that was even possible. Waldreg always cowered, like some lesser specimen while in the presence of Halbrand, and it was always awkward and pathetic to watch. 
You didn’t know why Halbrand and Waldreg were aiming to get so close to your father in particular, but you didn’t like it. There were too many reasons, few of them good ones that you could think of. You had tried to see Halbrand in a better light, if only for your father's sake, but it was hard when he sometimes made you feel uncomfortable for no particular reason. Yet you cared too much for your father's wellbeing, for while the noble Elf might not have been your father by birth, he had cared for you long enough that there was no difference to you. He was a wonderful father, supportive and enthusiastic about your hobbies, just as you were about his. That’s the only reason you really tolerated Halbrand, because it made your father happy.
Halbrand laughed at your comment, an unassuming and charming laugh, and you sighed. 
“Of course, the one with the Human and the Elven maiden! How could I forget? You know, half of the books in that library came from me, I’m glad I know your favorite one out of the lot.” There was a glint in his eye as he smiled at you, a wide smile that you were sure was meant to be charming. It kind of was, but you just had far too many preconceived notions about Halbrand to find it genuinely charming.
“You’re a smart girl with all the books and scrolls you read, despite what the townsfolk say. Would you want to take a break though? And have a drink with me? Take a break from all that reading, hm?” He wrapped his arm quickly and firmly around your shoulder, leading you towards the tavern that he frequented with his gaggle of men he sometimes went hunting with. Oh, the good times where he went off hunting for a few days and left you with blessed silence. He was quite the chatterbox. 
“No- No Halbrand, I’m quite alright. Reading isn’t some chore for me, and I must return to my father.” It was a struggle escaping from his grasp, as he seemed intent on ignoring your wishes and dragging you along anyways, but after a bit more wiggling and straining, you wormed your way free and made a safe few feet of space between the two of you, Waldreg snickering behind you. 
“You mean the knife-eared inventor who can’t even make a proper relic without the help of my Lord Halbrand?” He let out a wicked laugh, slapping his hand on his knee like he had made the most amusing quip of his life.
“How dare you call my father that!” You could feel your face heat up at the insult, almost tempted to hit him across the face with your book before Halbrand beat you to it, hitting Waldreg upside the head with the back of his hand.
The smaller man whimpered, groveling immediately before Halbrand. It made you pity him in the most uncaring way imaginable. It was like watching a rat, or something lower… How could someone value themselves so little?
“Do not speak such words again.” Halbrand spoke rather calmly, enough to make you question, if only for a second, your preconceived notions. Maybe it was just because it was said in front of you, but had you been less suspicious of Halbrand, you might have thought he cared as much for the elves as you did. 
“I apologize for him. I won’t keep you any longer, (Y/N). Give your father my well wishes.” His goodbye was curt, and he seemed to be speaking through his teeth almost. It had you wanting to leave even more, you had never felt more awkward. 
With a final glower towards Waldreg, and a suspicious look at Halbrand, you turned on your heel without so much as a goodbye, and made your way down the road towards home, following the sea and the sunset as it led you back to the house you had lived so long in, a cozy cottage that lie nestled behind the tree line that gave way to the smooth sands of the beaches and ocean beyond it. There was light to be seen in the window, sparking like a forge as smoke rose from the wide chimney, Celebrimbor working tirelessly on his newest project. 
You opened the door into your house and was greeted by your father pacing in front of his forge, coals smoldering within its fiery depths. He held something in his hands, a black sword hilt, its blade broken, a strange sigil on the cross guard. 
“I don’t know why you keep that thing around, you can’t melt it down, and we do not know if its blade can be remade.” You placed a hand on his shoulder, hopeful that he would set the weapon aside. It was his newest fixation, and you didn’t even know where he had found it!
“There’s something special about this hilt though, I can feel it. Why else would it be so stubborn to attempts at tampering with it?” 
“Special? Strange maybe, but not special. Surely you have other things to do besides stare at that old hilt for hours on end? You haven’t been doing that the entire time I’ve been gone, have you?” You teased him, setting aside your new book on the shelf and hanging your satchel out of sight. 
“You would find that amusing, wouldn’t you, (Y/N)?” The Elf’s voice returned your own tone, setting the blade down he went to stoke the coals in the forge. 
“I was hoping to start heating the hilts metal tomorrow, but I fear I do not possess enough of the right material if it does indeed prove that that blade can be fixed. I am planning a journey to visit the Dwarves in hopes that they will resupply me.” He said little else on the subject, and that always left you with little light into his projects, so you resigned to just support him from afar by running extra errands and doing a bit more housework.
There were days where he would come to an impasse in his work, and so Halbrand would step in and use his knowledge to undo the situation, setting everything on track again. You hoped that with your father leaving for Khazad-dûm, Halbrand would have no reason to visit, but you knew that was wishful thinking… 
There was a feeling of worry that crept into your head, but you had to trust that all would be well on your father's trip, so you saddled Berek, prepared Celebrimbor some rations for his trek, and sent him off on his journey with a heartfelt farewell, watching him and your beloved horse fade into the distance. 
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shilombish-art · 2 years
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So pleased to finally reveal my art for the Horizon Big Bang! @horizonbigbang
Thanks to  @casualfunchaos  for the idea of a Sea Beast/Horizon cross over. Unfortunately they left the Big Bang, but the wonderful firekiln stepped in as a pinch hitter.
You can read Salt Water here at AO3
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papergardener · 2 years
Fanfic writing is dumb.
It’s just for fun.
Literally no one is going to care, I I tell myself.
The readers for this particular movie are not going to know the difference between a pinnace or a launch, I don’t either, but that doesn’t stop me from having six tabs open just so I can properly name the boat that takes you from port to ship, which doesn’t matter and is only for once sentence.
(but dammit, I wanna get it right!)
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redrosessoulcabin · 2 years
Hey people: I published a mature Jacob Holland/Reader fanfic with a little backstory/theory on how I think his life would go, I hope you’ll enjoy it! It’s just a quick self indulgent something I had to write ‘cause this movie captured my heart (and Jacob ofc as well) and I felt the need to immediately write something
Edit: I got some news: I published a new Jacob/Reader fanfic!
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miramilocamimira · 4 months
Maisie And The Story Of Her Great Long Life
Help me pick a person please! The “of your choice” will be the tag I see the most of.
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kkeidawrites · 11 months
If you haven't already could you write a pt2 for jacob holland x mermaid! Reader IT WAS SOO CUTEEEE I rlly enjoyed it. :3
p.s. please take care of yourself and take breaks 👍
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The next two weeks passed through without any major disturbances from the ocean. The carpeting business he had created the year before was slowly reaching an all time high. The demand for boats was coming in full force as the fishing season was coming in in less than a month and so far, the boats Jacob was able to make easily was the dinghy.
However, this particular order was taking far much longer than he originally thought when he made the outline for it. But, it was a boat where it was asking for a lot of designs and Jacob had to hire a couple more hands to help him with the project.
Although, the project wasn't what was on his mind, a certain fish tail was making him more occupied.
For years he knew that the creatures of the sea were both dangerous and mysterious, but from his previous experience with the red Bluster anything is bound to happen at this point.
Jacob pressed on with his life, Maisie was enjoying her time in school practically leaving their home to go and come back home to tell him all about what she learned that day. He returned to his contented life, finally understanding that he would probably never see that mermaid again.
The shed that he had built after his house was finished, held most of the wood he owned and perhaps where he spent most of his time working on his projects.
With some nails in his lip, Jacob hammered the curved wood on the right hand side of the unfinished dinghy he was working on and then wiped his brow. It was day two of his project, and a wet one. It had rained the day before, putting his schedule back a couple of days because the wood he used was also wet.
Sighing, Jacob pushes away another completely soaked piece of wood into the mounting pile of its predecessors and picks up another to feel the weight of it and inspect any large wet spots on the wood.
"Da! Da!" he turned his head to look at Maisie approaching him with a large grin on her face. He sets down his hammer and piece of wood to catch the girl in a hug and grins.
"Hey there kid, how was school?"
"Good!" she exclaims as he sets her down. Digging into her school pack, she pulls out a large book and thrusts it into his face.
"Look! They changed the story about Red!" she says excitedly. Jacob flips open the red spiral book and sees the progression of their story, scarily it was very accurate to what happened. Pretty sure Maisie had something to do with that. A proud father he was.
"Oh and there's someone here to ask you about making a boat for them." she tells him and Jacob frowns in confusion then looks up to see someone approaching.
As the sun sets in the distance, the rays were bouncing off the skin of the woman approaching them. He wipes his hands on the rag he keeps on his hip and squints a bit to see something shimmering on the woman's neck and arms.
Thinking nothing of it, Jacob's eyes widens as he realizes who was approaching and couldn't form any sentences in his mind to speak.
"Hello, you're Jacob Holland right?" Her voice was sultry and soft.
"Um, yeah, I mean yes! Yes, I am Jacob Holland." he holds out his hand to shake her hand and she smiles in greeting.
"I'm Y/n, I was wondering if you could build a jolly boat? I'm a...I help clean the ocean with a very private organization and one of our boats was lost to the sea because of...the rain we had yesterday." she brokenly explained.
"I understand. How soon do you need it done?" he asks, taking the pencil and notepad that Maisie had handed him.
"Well, preferably in two weeks if possible." she says, Jacob nods.
"I can do that. Any color or designs you wish to add?"
"No, it can be however you want it to look." she reassures him and he nods again as he is writing down the possible wood he would need to purchase and add up the total.
"Okay, if there's nothing else that you may need then it will be seven gold pieces for the materials and the time it would take to do the project." Jacob explains.
Y/n pulls out a small pouch from her hip and hands him the correct amount then adds four more pieces to him.
"Just in case," she says to him with a smile.
Shaking hands again, Y/n waves to Maisie and departs from their home sneaking a quick look over her shoulder to Jacob again before turning her head and continuing on her way.
Jacob watches her go and sighs in bliss, Maisie is looking at the gold that she grabbed from her father's slacked hand. Bringing it closer to her face, she noticed something odd about the gold piece.
"Da, look at the money she gave us." she says snapping him out of his stupor.
Jacob looks close at the currency and sees a triton on the gold. The rarest of gold that can only be found in...Jacob shakes his head and puts the gold in his pocket, letting Maisie have the one in her hand for a treat.
"Let's get some dinner then, eh?"
"Yes! I want to show you the high marks I got on my test this week too!" Maisie says as she grabs his large hand and the father-daughter duo return to their home.
With Blue
The little blue creature pushed his head into the open palm for more pets by Y/n as she crouched on the beach to give him some love.
"We'll meet again Mr. Holland, much sooner than you think." her gills flutter softly along with her scales shimmering.
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rohanrider3 · 2 years
I’ll finish all my WIPs first, I said. I’ll just relax and watch ONE movie, I said...
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help it’s again
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crown-ov-horns · 8 months
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I think, as Archangel Michael, Ava would feel so foreign in Heaven, at least at first. But, perhaps, she would find some forgotten shore of a shining sea. She could set down her sword, take off her armor, and savor the breeze against her skin. The warm, salty waters never fail to make her at ease.
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happydragon · 2 years
How many of y'all would be interested in a Sea Beast Fanfic where basically Maisie and Jacob basically start a revolution after the sea beast movie? Cause realistically not everyone would have a change of heart. Some people might still be loyal to the king and queen. So they decided things need to change significantly if the monster hunting is going to stop.
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nicnacsnonsense · 1 year
Chapter 1/? (Which is really just the prologue)
The Sea Beast AU. When Edward Teacher, experienced Hunter and renowned Captain Blackbeard of the Inevitable teams up with newbie Hunter Stede Bonnet to take down the Red Bluster, their journey will lead them further than anyone has ever gone, out past the edges of the Dregmorr Sea itself, and they'll uncover a truth that might shake the foundations of their entire kingdom.
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